Israeli Arab businessman killed in Amman attacks

Israeli Arab businessman killed in Amman attacks

    Hussam Fathi Mahajna, an Israeli Arab businessman from Umm al-Fahm, was among the 57 people murdered by al-Qaida suicide bombers in Amman on Wednesday night (9 November).

    Hussam Fathi Mahajna, 40, an Israeli Arab businessman from Umm al-Fahm, was among the 57 people murdered in simultaneous attacks by three al-Qaida suicide bombers in Amman on Wednesday night (9 November). More than 300 were wounded in the attacks.

    The targets of the bombers were three luxury hotels: the Hyatt, Radisson, and Days Inn.

    Prime Minister Ariel Sharon sent a letter to King Abdullah expressing his condolences.

    Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom phoned his Jordanian counterpart, Foreign Minister Farouk Kasrawi, to express condolences and to condemn the attacks. Shalom asked Kasrawi to transmit to King Abdullah, the government, and the people of Jordan the feelings of solidarity shared by Israel's government and nation following the attacks.

    Minister Shalom offered Israel's aid in any area the kingdom would require. He also condemned the attackers' desire to strike at any moderate country. "The terrorists do not differentiate among Israelis, Jordanians, Turks, Egytpians, Moroccans, or Indonesians," he said. "For this reason, it is important for us to be united and fight the common enemy together."

    The Jordanian minister thanked Shalom and promised to convey his message to the king, the government, and the wounded. He also expressed appreciation for Israel's solidarity at the present time. Kasrawi agreed that terrorism is directed against all of us, and especially against whoever believes in peace and moderation. Jordan is determined to persist in the struggle against it, he said.